Prototyping Exercise: TinyCards Card Flip

For some time,  I've wanted to learn more about using 3D animation with interaction paradigms. Through my paper-crafting hobby, I've come to understand tangible, 3D space rather well. Simulating it in digital space with code, however, felt tougher to grasp. 

My infatuation with TinyCards, the new app by the creators of Duolingo, finally inspired me to give 3D animation a try in Framer. I began by recreating their card flip interaction, which is performed as a user attempts to refresh his or her memory of a subject. 

Click here to try the prototype. 


To complete this prototype, I chiefly utilized the "Flip Card Module" created by Jacky Lee. To understand the concepts behind Jacky's work, I examined similar projects by members of the Framer Facebook Community